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SSC Exam

SSC: Staff Selection Commission

SSC stands for Staff Selection Commission. It is an Indian organization which recruits staffs for various posts in the various Ministries and Departments of the Government of India. It also recruits for subordinates offices. The commission is headed by a chairman and there are two members and a Secretary-cum-Controller of Examinations to assist the Chairman. It is headquartered at New Delhi, India.

Furthermore, the SSC has a regional set-up in order to conduct exams smoothly. At present, it has seven regional offices at Allahabad, Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai, Guwahati, Bangalore and two sub-regional offices at Raipur and Chandigarh.

SSC Full Form

The Staff Service Commission conducts competitive examinations to recruits various services and posts. There are more than 20 types of jobs varies from group B to group C. Eligibility criteria is graduation in any stream from a recognized university to apply for an SSC examination. Physical fitness and measurement are also required for some posts like the Sub-Inspector and Narcotics department.

Some of the Major Functions of SSC:

  • To conduct recruitment for the Group "B" posts in the Ministries/ Departments of the Govt. of India and their subordinate offices and for all non-technical Group "C" posts in the Ministries or Departments of Govt. of India and their subordinate offices
  • To conduct exams and interviews for the posts within its purview
  • To conduct departmental exams related to promotion from a lower division to upper divisions
  • To conduct periodical typewriting tests in Hindi and English
  • To perform other functions entrusted to it by the Central Govt. from time to time

1. SSC CGL (Combined Graduate Level)

SSC CGL is conducted to recruit candidates to various posts in departments, ministries, and organizations of the Government of India. SSC CGL examination is conducted by Staff Selection Commission to select staff for various Group B and Group C posts.

SSC CGL Recruitment Process

  • a) Tier 1: Preliminary Examination (Online)
  • b) Tier 2: Mains Examination (Online)
  • c) Tier 3: Descriptive Examination (Offline)
  • d) Tier 4: Data Entry Skill Test/ Computer Proficiency Test

  • 2. SSC CHSL (Combined Higher Secondary Level)

    Every year, SSC conducts recruitment for the posts of Data Entry Operator (DEO), Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants (PA/SA) in various Central Government Departments and Ministries.

    SSC CHSL Recruitment Process

  • a) Tier 1: Preliminary Examination (Online)
  • b) Tier 2 (Descriptive Paper)
  • c) Tier 3 (Typing and Skill Test)

  • 3. SSC Multitasking (Non-Technical)

    The Staff Selection Commission conducts the MTS exam to recruit Multi Tasking Staff (MTS), a General Central Service Group C Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial post in various departments, ministries, and offices of the Government of India, in different States and Union Territories.

    SSC Multitasking Recruitment Process

  • a) Tier 1: Preliminary Examination (Online)
  • b) Tier 2: Mains Examination (Online)
  • c) Tier 3: Descriptive Examination (Offline)
  • d) Tier 4: Data Entry Skill Test/ Computer Proficiency Test

  • 4. SSC Stenographers Grade 'C' & 'D'

    The SSC conducts an Open Competitive Examination every year to recruit Stenographer Grade' C' (Group 'B', Non Gazetted) and Stenographer Grade 'D' (Group 'C') for various ministries, departments, and organizations in the Government of India.

    SSC Stenographers Grade 'C' & 'D' Recruitment Process

  • a) Online Computer Based Exam
  • b) Skill Test

  • 5. SSC CPO (Central Police Organization)

    The SSC CPO examination is conducted to recruit candidates for the post of Sub-inspector (SI) and Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) of Police. The exam is conducted on a national level for various Police Organisations like ITBP, BSF, CRPF, and SI in Delhi Police, etc.

    SSC CPO Recruitment Process

  • a) Paper-I
  • b) Physical Standard Test (PST)/ Physical Endurance Test (PET)
  • c) Paper-II
  • d) Medical Examination (DME).

  • 6. SSC JE (Junior Engineer)

    The SSC JE examination is conducted to recruit Junior Engineers (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, and Quantity Surveying & Contracts) for various departments, ministries, and organizations in the Government of India.

    SSC JE Recruitment Process

  • a) Paper-I (Computer Based Examination)
  • b) Paper-II (Descriptive Type)

  • 7. SSC Junior Hindi Translator

    The Staff Selection Commission conducts this examination to recruit Junior Translator, Junior Hindi Translator, Senior Hindi Translator, and Hindi Pradhyapak for various government departments. The various posts are:

  • a) Junior Translator in Central Secretariat Official Language Service (CSOLS).
  • b) Junior Translator in Armed Forces Headquarters (AFHQ)
  • c) Junior Translator in M/o Railways (Railway Board)
  • d) Hindi Pradhyapak in Central Hindi Training Institute (CHTI)
  • e) Senior Hindi Translator in several Central Government departments, ministries, and offices.
  • SSC Junior Hindi Translator Recruitment Process

  • a) Paper 1: (Computer-Based Examination-Objective Type)
  • b) Paper-2: Translation and Essay

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