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SThe SSC Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level ( SSC CHSL ) is a nationwide exam conducted for the recruitment to the posts of Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Data Entry Operator (DEO), Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants (PA / SA) in various central government departments and ministries.

In this article, we'll discuss SSC CHSL so you can choose the exam you wish to prepare for.

SSC CHSL 2022 - Overview

Date of release of notification6th December 2022
Dates for submission of online applicationsFrom 6th December 2022
Last date and time for receipt of online applications04-01-2023 (23:00)
Last date and time for making online fee payment05-01-2023 (23:00)
Last date and time for the generation of offline ChallanTo be notified
Dates of ‘Window for Application Form Correction' and 
online payment of Correction Charges.
09-01-2023 to 10-01-2023 (23:00)
Schedule of Computer-Based Examination (Tier-I)Feb-Mar, 2023
Dates of Tier-I Examination To be notified later

SSC CHSL Notification 2022 | Official Notice

SSC on 6th December 2022 has released the SSC CHSL 2022 Notification. Approximately 4500 vacancies has been announced for this year's SSC CHSL Exam. The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts the Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) exam for candidates who have completed their schooling to fill posts like Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), Postal Assistant (PA), Sorting Assistant (SA), Court Clerk, and Data Entry Operator (DEO). The SSC selects the appropriate candidates through a computer-based test, a descriptive exam, and a skill/typing test.

SSC CHSL Notification 2022 | Vacancy

Tentative vacancies: There are approx. 4500 vacancies. However, firm vacancies will be determined in due course. Updated vacancies, if any, along with Post-wise & category-wise vacancies will be made available on the website of the Commission.

SSC CHSL 2022 Eligibility

SSC CHSL Eligibility 2022 is as follows :

Age limit (As on 01-01-2022)

A candidate has to fulfil the following age criteria.

  • Minimum Age – 18 years
  • Maximum Age – 27 years

There is a provision of relaxation in the upper age limit as follows.

SSC CHSL Application Form 2022 | Steps to Apply

You can apply for the SSC CHSL exam by following the steps below:

  1. Visit the SSC official website – https://ssc.nic.in/
  2. Next click on the tab "Apply." Now click on the "Combined Higher Secondary Level" exam.
  3. After filling in all the required information, it will generate the registration number and password.
  4. Next, fill in the required personal details and educational qualifications.
  5. Upload a scanned copy of your passport-size photograph and signature.
  6. Now, You can select any three examination centres within the same region
  7. Carefully verify the information when you have completed the form. Once you submit the form, it's final and you can't make any further changes to the application form
  8. Finally, pay the application fee.

Documents required during form-filling

The following documents should be kept at hand so that the form filling is smooth and uninterrupted.

  1. A scanned copy of the applicant's signature (of a size 1 kb < Size < 12 kb) in JPG format.
  2. A scanned copy of a passport-sized photograph of the candidate that is not more than three months old from the date of notification of the examination (size 20 kb < Size < 50 kb) in JPG format. The date of when the photograph was taken should be typed and be clearly visible on the photograph and on its scanned version too.
  3. Valid e-mail ID of the candidate for the purpose of registration and all related correspondence.
  4. Valid ID proof of the candidate.

SSC CHSL 2022 Application Fee

Application fees for SSC CHSL needs to paid online. Application forms without application fees (wherever applicable) will be rejected immediately. The application fees for the various categories are as follows:

Male (General/OBC)₹ 100
Female (All Category)Exempted (No fees)
SC/ST/Ex-ServicemenExempted (No fees)

SSC CHSL Salary & Payscale

The modified salary structure for the different posts under the SSC CHSL exam, after implementation of the Seventh Pay Commission recommendations, is as follows.

Exam Date

Feb-March, 2022

Total Vacancies



Candidates can appear for this exam after completing their class 12.

There are two stages of the exam i.e. tier-1 and tier-2.

What is the last date and time for SSC CHSL 2022 online application?

SSC CHSL 2022 is scheduled to be conducted in Feb-March 2023.

SSC CHSL Tier-2 Exam 2022 date will be announced later.

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